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Hubei Baiyang Yangtze River Bridge
发布时间:2019-06-17 人点击

9、湖北白洋长江公路大桥是位于湖北省宜昌市的一座主跨1000m双塔单跨钢桁梁悬索桥,跨越长江,连接北岸的枝江市白洋镇和南岸的宜都市陆城街道,是呼北高速公路宜昌至张家界段的控制性工程,也是湖北省753骨架公路网中规划纵6的重要组成部分。项目自2016年11月15日开工建设,预计2020年10月通车。 (2).JPG

Hubei Baiyang Yangtze River Bridge is located in Yichang, Hubei. It is a double tower single span steel truss suspension bridge with main span of 1000m, across Yangtze River, connecting Baiyang Town, Zhijiang City on the north bank and Lucheng Community, Yidu City on the south bank. Being as the controlling engineering in Hubei Expressway Yichang to Zhangjiajie Section, the bridge is an important part of the planned longitudinal 6 in the 753 skeleton highway network in Hubei Province. The Project commenced on 15th November 2016 and is anticipated to be completed in October 2020.  
